Bidict has benefited from the assistance of many people and projects.
Gregory Ewing for the name.
Terry Reedy for suggesting the slice syntax (it was fun while it lasted).
Raymond Hettinger for providing feedback on the design and implementation, and (most of all) for the amazing work on Python’s built-in collections that made bidict possible.
Francis Carr for the idea of storing the inverse bidict.
Adopt Pytest Month 2015 for choosing bidict, Tom Viner for being bidict’s Adopt Pytest helper for the month, and Brianna Laugher for coordinating.
Daniel Pope, Leif Walsh, David Turner, and Michael Arntzenius for suggestions, code reviews, and design discussion.
Leif Walsh for contributing the initial devcontainer setup.
Jozef Knaperek for the bugfix.
Igor Nehoroshev for contributing the py.typed marker.
Bernát Gábor for pyproject.toml support.
Richard Sanger, Zeyi Wang, and Amol Sahsrabudhe for reporting bugs.