Extending bidict#

Bidict was written with extensibility in mind.

Let’s look at some examples.

YoloBidict Recipe#

If you’d like ON_DUP_DROP_OLD to be the default on_dup behavior (for __init__(), __setitem__(), and update()), you can use the following recipe:

>>> from bidict import bidict, ON_DUP_DROP_OLD

>>> class YoloBidict(bidict):
...     on_dup = ON_DUP_DROP_OLD

>>> b = YoloBidict({'one': 1})
>>> b['two'] = 1  # succeeds, no ValueDuplicationError
>>> b
YoloBidict({'two': 1})

>>> b.update({'three': 1})  # ditto
>>> b
YoloBidict({'three': 1})

Of course, YoloBidict’s inherited put() and putall() methods still allow specifying a custom OnDup per call via the on_dup argument, and will both still default to raising for all duplication types.

Further demonstrating bidict’s extensibility, to make an OrderedYoloBidict, the class above can simply inherit from bidict.OrderedBidict rather than bidict.bidict.

Beware of ON_DUP_DROP_OLD#

There’s a good reason that bidict does not provide a YoloBidict out of the box.

Before you decide to use a YoloBidict in your own code, beware of the following potentially unexpected, dangerous behavior:

>>> b = YoloBidict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})  # b contains two items
>>> b['one'] = 2                          # update one of the items
>>> b                                     # now b only has one item!
YoloBidict({'one': 2})

As covered in Collapsing Overwrites, setting an existing key to the value of a different existing item causes both existing items to quietly collapse into a single new item.

The opposite customization would look something like:

>>> from bidict import ON_DUP_RAISE

>>> class YodoBidict(bidict):  # yodo: you only die once!
...     on_dup = ON_DUP_RAISE

>>> b = YodoBidict({'one': 1})
>>> b['one'] = 2  # Unlike a regular bidict, YodoBidict won't allow this.
Traceback (most recent call last):
bidict.KeyDuplicationError: one
>>> b
YodoBidict({'one': 1})
>>> b.forceput('one', 2)  # Any type of overwrite requires more force.
>>> b
YodoBidict({'one': 2})

WeakrefBidict Recipe#

Suppose you need to store some objects in a bidict without incrementing their refcounts.

With BidictBase's _fwdm_cls (forward mapping class) and _invm_cls (inverse mapping class) attributes, accomplishing this is as simple as:

>>> from bidict import MutableBidict
>>> from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary, WeakValueDictionary

>>> class WeakrefBidict(MutableBidict):
...     _fwdm_cls = WeakKeyDictionary
...     _invm_cls = WeakValueDictionary

Now you can insert items into WeakrefBidict without incrementing their refcounts:

>>> b = WeakrefBidict()
>>> o1, o2 = frozenset({1}), frozenset({2})
>>> b[o1] = o2

Since o1 and o2 are the only strong references to these objects, if you delete these references, the refcounts will go to zero and the objects will immediately be deallocated on CPython, since the WeakrefBidict isn’t holding on to them:

>>> del o1, o2  # after this, b immediately becomes empty on CPython:
>>> if sys.implementation.name == 'cpython':
...     assert not b

SortedBidict Recipes#

Suppose you need a bidict that maintains its items in sorted order. The Python standard library does not include any sorted dict types, but the excellent sortedcontainers and sortedcollections libraries do.

Using these, along with BidictBase’s _fwdm_cls (forward mapping class) and _invm_cls (inverse mapping class) attributes, creating a sorted bidict is simple:

>>> from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

>>> class SortedBidict(MutableBidict):
...     """A sorted bidict whose forward items stay sorted by their keys,
...     and whose inverse items stay sorted by *their* keys.
...     Note: As a result, an instance and its inverse yield their items
...     in different orders.
...     """
...     _fwdm_cls = SortedDict
...     _invm_cls = SortedDict

>>> b = SortedBidict({'Tokyo': 'Japan', 'Cairo': 'Egypt'})
>>> b
SortedBidict({'Cairo': 'Egypt', 'Tokyo': 'Japan'})

>>> b['Lima'] = 'Peru'

>>> list(b.items())  # stays sorted by key
[('Cairo', 'Egypt'), ('Lima', 'Peru'), ('Tokyo', 'Japan')]

>>> list(b.inverse.items())  # .inverse stays sorted by *its* keys (b's values)
[('Egypt', 'Cairo'), ('Japan', 'Tokyo'), ('Peru', 'Lima')]

Here’s a recipe for a sorted bidict whose forward items stay sorted by their keys, and whose inverse items stay sorted by their values. i.e. An instance and its inverse will yield their items in the same order:

>>> from sortedcollections import ValueSortedDict

>>> class KeySortedBidict(MutableBidict):
...     _fwdm_cls = SortedDict
...     _invm_cls = ValueSortedDict

>>> elem_by_atomicnum = KeySortedBidict({
...     6: 'carbon', 1: 'hydrogen', 2: 'helium'})

>>> list(elem_by_atomicnum.items())  # stays sorted by key
[(1, 'hydrogen'), (2, 'helium'), (6, 'carbon')]

>>> list(elem_by_atomicnum.inverse.items())  # .inverse stays sorted by value
[('hydrogen', 1), ('helium', 2), ('carbon', 6)]

>>> elem_by_atomicnum[4] = 'beryllium'

>>> list(elem_by_atomicnum.inverse.items())
[('hydrogen', 1), ('helium', 2), ('beryllium', 4), ('carbon', 6)]

Automatic “Get Attribute” Pass-Through#

Python makes it easy to customize a class’s “get attribute” behavior. You can take advantage of this to pass attribute access through to the backing _fwdm mapping when an attribute is not provided by the bidict class itself:

>>> def __getattribute__(self, name):
...     try:
...         return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
...     except AttributeError:
...         return getattr(self._fwdm, name)
>>> KeySortedBidict.__getattribute__ = __getattribute__

Now, even though this KeySortedBidict itself provides no peekitem attribute, you can still call peekitem on it and it will return the result of calling peekitem on the backing SortedDict:

>>> elem_by_atomicnum.peekitem()
(6, 'carbon')

Dynamic Inverse Class Generation#

When a bidict class’s _fwdm_cls and _invm_cls are the same, the bidict class is its own inverse class. (This is the case for all the bidict classes that come with bidict.)

However, when a bidict’s _fwdm_cls and _invm_cls differ, as in the KeySortedBidict and WeakrefBidict recipes above, the inverse class of the bidict needs to have its _fwdm_cls and _invm_cls swapped.

BidictBase detects this and dynamically computes the correct inverse class for you automatically.

You can see this if you inspect KeySortedBidict’s inverse bidict:

>>> elem_by_atomicnum.inverse.__class__.__name__

Notice that BidictBase automatically created a KeySortedBidictInv class and used it for the inverse bidict.

As expected, KeySortedBidictInv’s _fwdm_cls and _invm_cls are the opposite of KeySortedBidict’s:

>>> elem_by_atomicnum.inverse._fwdm_cls.__name__
>>> elem_by_atomicnum.inverse._invm_cls.__name__

BidictBase also ensures that round trips work as expected:

>>> KeySortedBidictInv = elem_by_atomicnum.inverse.__class__  # i.e. a value-sorted bidict
>>> atomicnum_by_elem = KeySortedBidictInv(elem_by_atomicnum.inverse)
>>> atomicnum_by_elem
KeySortedBidictInv({'hydrogen': 1, 'helium': 2, 'beryllium': 4, 'carbon': 6})
>>> KeySortedBidict(atomicnum_by_elem.inverse) == elem_by_atomicnum

This all goes to show how simple it can be to compose your own bidirectional mapping types out of the building blocks that bidict provides.